The question of whether you can 1031 exchange into a REIT often elicits a mixed response: technically, yes, practically no. However, recent developments have opened new avenues, allowing investors to utilize a 1031 exchange to enter REITs with as little as $250,000, provided certain guidelines are followed.

Step 1: Using Delaware Statutory Trusts (DSTs) in a 1031 Exchange to 721 Exchange & 721 UPREIT

Traditionally, REITs weren’t interested in individual properties due to their size relative to portfolio needs. Now, some large REITs facilitate a pathway through Delaware Statutory Trusts (DSTs). Here’s how it works:

  1. The REIT establishes a temporary DST, enabling the 1031 exchanger to acquire an interest.
  2. After a suitable period, typically when the DST’s investment horizon concludes, the REIT integrates the DST into its portfolio, bringing the DST investor along.
  3. At this stage, the investor effectively becomes a shareholder in the REIT.

Step 2: A Case Study with Billie

Let’s examine how this strategy played out for Billie, a client pivotal to our development of DST expertise. When Billie’s initial DST reached maturity in November 2021, yielding her original investment plus profits, we swiftly initiated a new 1031 exchange with her Qualified Intermediary. In July 2021, upon learning of the DST’s impending sale, we guided Billie through her options:

  1. Receive the proceeds outright, triggering taxes on the entire amount.
  2. Reinvest a portion of the proceeds, paying taxes only on the non-reinvested portion.
  3. Reinvest the proceeds, deferring taxes entirely, per the 1031 exchange provisions.

Billie opted for the second option, withdrawing approximately $100,000 as ‘boot,’ taxed at a reduced rate, and reinvesting the balance. This led to a critical decision point: whether to reinvest in a traditional DST or the more advantageous 721 DST.

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Our team of experienced financial advisors is dedicated to guiding you through the complexities of financial planning.

Step 3: Advantages of the 721 DST

The 721 DST emerged as Billie’s preferred choice and our recommended strategy due to its unique benefits:

  • Enhanced diversification across multiple REITs compared to single DST investments.
  • Potential for continued tax deferral through subsequent DST rollovers.
  • Mitigation of risk associated with concentrated asset holdings.

As Billie’s remaining DSTs mature, we plan to transition these investments into 721 DSTs, ensuring a well-rounded REIT portfolio. This modern approach wasn’t available when Billie initially invested, underscoring the evolving landscape and strategic opportunities now accessible to investors.

At Friends Wealth Management, we’re committed to leveraging our expertise in alternative investments to guide clients through innovative strategies like the 1031 exchange into REITs. We aim to empower investors, particularly Millennials and Gen Z, with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate and benefit from these sophisticated investment vehicles.

John Fremont-Smith advises investors to recognize these unique attributes of secondary funds to optimize risk-return profiles and enhance private equity exposure within their portfolios.

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